7 transformations - en

7 transformations - en

Since the manufacturing industry is to have a sustainable future in Belgium, our manufacturing companies have to turn themselves into agile, high-tech organisations. 

7 transformations - en

This transformation is based on deploying state-of-the-art production devices.

7 transformations - en

Manufacturing companies develop their own products and corresponding services depending on the complete value chain. This means an integrated design approach regarding processes such as sales, production, use of virtual models and simulations is crucial in this respect.

7 transformations - en

In the factory of the future, operational processes have been digitised and connected with the internet. The impact of different possible decisions is gauged in advance. A fusion of the real and digital world is on its way.


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Employees are a significant asset for anchoring production locally. Employee involvement in the future development of their company is crucial.

7 transformations - en

Companies evolve from being solo players into networked organisations, where the risk and capital are shared over the network. An optimal eco-system of suppliers and partners results in flexible collaborative relationships.

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A sustainable production system considers each phase of a product's life cycle, from acquiring the materials, production and usage, to disposing of the waste. Production systems are also able to close the materials cycle.

7 transformations - en

Our manufacturing companies have to be able to respond to rapidly changing market demand, with a production whith single batches as an ultimate approach.